The icy north wind whipped our faces on our daily 5-kilometer walk.
The thermometer showed "only" -6 degrees but the cold north wind made it feel much colder. it felt really good to turn and have the cold wind in the back and the warming sun in the face.
Honya got to try wearing a kennel for the first time which didn't affect her much. She struggled and pulled hard the whole time.
Today Freya has been bit in the puppy box which is now in place in the kitchen. She seemed to prefer to sit on the sofa with Håkan, but in time when the puppies have arrived the puppy box will surely be fine.
Today Freya has been bit in the puppy box which is now in place in the kitchen. She seemed to prefer to sit on the sofa with Håkan, but in time when the puppies have arrived the puppy box will surely be fine.
Iskall nordan piskade våra ansikten på vår dagliga 5-kilometers promenad. Det var så skönt att vända ryggen åt norr och istället få solen i ansiktet.
Termometern visade "bara"-6 grader men den kalla nordliga vinden gjorde att det kändes mycket kallare.
Honya fick testa att bära klövjeväska för första gången vilket inte berörde henne nämnvärt. Hon stretade på och drog hårt hela tiden.
Freya har idag legat lite i valplådan som nu är på plats i köket. Hon tycktes dock föredra att sitta i soffan med husse, men tids nog när valparna har kommit blir säkert valplådan bra.
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