In the afternoon I went for a nice walk in the forest with Titan loose and Freya on a leash. Titan ran like crazy over rice, logs and stones. I was happy in my heart to see his joy at being able to run loose and smell hare, deer and moose tracks as well as droppings of various kinds, full speed and an immediate U-turn when I called him.
Freya would probably have also wanted to be loose and run like Titan, but she doesn't listen nearly as well to being called and considering how fat she is, I don't think galloping over logs and stones is that appropriate. Instead she pulled really hard on the leash so it was lucky that I could have Titan loose because I'm not sure I would have had the strength to hold both of them.
Along the path there is an anthill that some animal had dug a large hole in. Both dogs sniffed the hole with interest but quickly got tired because nothing was moving. I thought it was probably a fox but after googling I think I was wrong and that it was a green woodpecker (Picus viridis) or possibly a jackdaw (Dryocopus martius). I definitely didn't think it was a bird that had made the large hole.
This weekend there was a lot of winter sports on TV. Håkan and I watched a lot and at the same time I took the opportunity to spin so now I have a couple of skeins of Samoyed yarn and I'm thinking about what to make of them, mittens, shawl.... ? I think it will be a pair of mittens again.
På eftermiddagen gick jag en fin skogspromenad med Titan lös och Freya i koppel. Titan sprang som en tok över ris, stockar och stenar. Jag blev glad i hjärtat av att se hans glädje över att få springa lös och lukta på har-, rådjurs- och älgspår samt spillning av olika slag, full fart och en omedelbar tvärvändning när jag ropade på honom.
Längs stigen finns en myrstack som något djur, hade grävt ett stort hål i. Båda hundarna nosade intresserat i hålet men tröttnade fort eftersom inget rörde sig. Jag trodde att det nog var en räv men efter att ha googlat tror jag att jag hade fel och att det var en gröngöling (Picus viridis) eller möjligen en spillkråka (Dryocopus martius). Jag trodde absolut inte att det var en fågel som hade gjort det stora hålet.